Why the Redwood Forest slideshow?

Judy had always loved trees, and in 2008 we spent some time among the California Redwoods. Some of the ingredients in Judy's chemo cocktail were derived from trees (not Redwoods but Yews). We always knew that Judy loved the trees, and the trees got their chance to repay her affection.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Judy relaxes in Kansas City

Last weekend, Judy and I flew to Kansas City for a quick getaway. Even though we didn't eat any Bar-B-Q (neither one of us had any appetite--I had come down with my worst cold in years, and she was still feeling the effects of chemo #4) we did enjoy not doing anything. Saturday saw a record heat wave in KC for the date with 69 degrees!

Monday's lab work showed that this time around her blood values are not as dire as after chemo #3, and that makes us hopeful that round #5 is going to happen right after our quick hop to Paris next week when we'll take Emily for her graduation trip.

Look for an update next week, maybe even from Paris itself. I tell you, the girls are quite excited, and if KC was an indication, Judy is ready to travel.


1 comment:

MTB_Chik said...

Yay! Nice to see a content photo of Judy. Be well, both of you!