Why the Redwood Forest slideshow?

Judy had always loved trees, and in 2008 we spent some time among the California Redwoods. Some of the ingredients in Judy's chemo cocktail were derived from trees (not Redwoods but Yews). We always knew that Judy loved the trees, and the trees got their chance to repay her affection.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday morning update

Just briefly: Judy spent a better night than the past few, and it appears as if the antibiotics are finally starting to kick in as her fever seems to be much, much better. Dr. Phillips is putting her some other pain meds that we hope will avoid some of her tremors and other side effects. Candice is with her right now. Things are looking a bit better than they have over the past few days.


MTB_Chik said...

Sending you love and a restful day!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you dear Judy. Sedona hosted the Am Cancer Society Relay for Life last night and you were represented with a luminaire from us shining our thoughts for you & Jurgen. Much love, DiAnn & Tom

Anonymous said...

Hope today was better. Quitaque was a bit wet but beautiful and cool! Also no wind to speak of. thinking of you.


Cindi said...

Thinking of you~
Cindi & her crew of fuzzies

Anonymous said...

Many, many positive thoughts and prayers for your continued healing and recovery, Judy, as they have been all summer.
Maureen and John