...and Judy continues to do very, very well. Getting rid of the central line and quitting the antibiotics treatment have made a big difference, both from a logistical (no more having to hang from the drip every evening) as well as a quality-of-life standpoint (way less nausea, no more shower woes, no tangled-up lines while rolling over in bed, etc.).
The (more-or-less) permanent port that Judy received last week has not given her much trouble aside from a bit of swelling and lingering bruising. When Judy underwent round three yesterday, the port worked perfectly, and there was no discomfort. With the exception of a bit of constipation, waking up in the middle of the night and having difficulty going back to sleep (a function of being on steroids), and one bout of nausea yesterday Judy has really not had any ill effects at all. Amazing, isn't it?
I've made it back from Germany; 12 days was a long time. Now we're planning to have a few relaxed days leading up to Christmas, which we will spend here in Lubbock. At least we don't have any plans to do anything else, but you know us ...
In a day or two we hope to get the results of the most recent CA-125 test. We hope that it will confirm the good news that we received right after chemo #2, but if the numbers don't look as drastically improved (or even less than that) we won't let it get us down. But it sure would be a nice Christmas present to knock off a dozen or so points of the 97 from last time. We'll keep you posted.
Thank you for the update. We're thinking best wishes for a relaxing, recovering holiday. Lots of snow here, so if you get the urge, I'll be your personal chef while you enjoy the beauty of T'ride.
Cath and John
Thanks for the update. Merry Christmas and hope you have a relaxing, recovering holiday.
Scott ( Rachel, Harrison and Luke, too)
Hi Judy!
Glad to hear that you are continuing to do well (and that Jürgen is finally home).
Another big storm is heading our way-yes, winter is really here (every year it takes me a couple good storms to get it into my brain that we won't be seeing grass til June :)).
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