Thanksgiving is behind us, and we had a great time with the family. Despite the long drive to the Hill Country, Judy held up quite well. It was just those late-night games of charades and other family chaos (what do you expect when almost 20 Austin-related folks get together?) that wore her out a little.
It was Judy's first road trip since the diagnosis and she enjoyed every minute of it. The family had rented two houses on Lake Inks, close to Burnett and Marble Falls. The countryside (lakeside, I should say, since we were right on the water) was beautiful, the food kept coming and coming, and the drinks flowed freely. Best of all, Judy was among her family that she loves so much and that gives her so much support. It was in this caring and sheltered environment that Judy asked her niece Hallie, who is a stylist, to trim her hair to a very short buzz. It's actually quite becoming, and it has allowed Judy to take ownership of her hair and not let the cancer dictate what it looks like. As you can tell in the photo, she and her brother Mike have a certain resemblance.
Yesterday, Judy had another CT scan. Let's hope that the pesky fluid has finally shrunk enough that she can stop those annoying nightly antibiotic treatments. We will know on Thursday. Otherwise, apart from being more tired than during her pre-cancer life, Judy is doing quite well. If it weren't for her weight loss and, yes, the much-shortened hair, one wouldn't know that she is sick.
The next update will come once we know what the CT scan revealed.
Judy and her niece Allison (and one of Judy's patented b'day cakes); Judy is still pre-barbershop
Alli, Judy, and sis-in-law (and Alli's mom) Candace
Judy, you're a BEAUTIFUL woman inside and out! By the way, David says, "Hair is over rated!" :0)
We love you!
Priscilla, David, & Elizabeth
Judy and Jurgen,
The past few weeks seem to be really going great! Working, traveling, biking and throwing parties just sound so busy that I know Judy is feeling more like herself. I know there are more treatments ahead, but the progress right now just seems super. Way to go to both of you.
I need to send something very special to Judy a.s.a.p. Could you please send your home mailing address to or You are going to love it!
Always thinking of you,
The Browns
Hey there Judy!
Glad to hear that the family get together was such fun (hey what do I have to do to get one of those cakes?? It looks "fantabulous"!!!).
Last couple of days have been snow/ice free-so I've been able to get out on my bike to run errands. I've switched to my studded tires-but no complaints from me-that they aren't currently needed. I figure the extra rolling resistance makes for better training!
I'm continuing to pray that the CT scan brings welcomed news!
I'm so glad your Thanksgiving was good and that the trip wasn't too hard on you. I love the new hair! :)
We're so glad that you had such a wonderful T-Giving with your family. You still look like our cute,and wonderful Judy that we love and adore no matter what your haircut length. Hooray about the CA-125 count. That's terrific news! We'll pray that tomorrow after your scan that every drop of liquid in your belly is GONE! Don't work too hard this week. It's still all about you resting and getting well.
Love, love, love, WayneLorane:)
Sorry we didn't run into you at the lake over the holiday. We were down the road at Lake Buchanan also eating and drinking. Your hair looks adorable and you look so much stronger and healthier than a few weeks ago! We will pray for positive CT results. Happy Holidays to both of you.
Hugs, Michelle
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